>とりあえず4.3.0 Alpha1でのIntel 520 240GBの結果です。
大変恐れ入りますが、S.M.A.R.T. 部分のダンプも見たいので、編集 > コピーオプション > SMART_READ_DATA/THRESHOLD をチェックした状態で結果を教えていただけないでしょうか。
>09 __0 __0 __0 9CAE000DA75E 使用時間
The raw value reports two values: the first 4 bytes report the cumulative number of power-on hours over the life of the device, the remaining bytes report the number of milliseconds since the last hour increment. The On/Off status of the Device Initiated Power Management (DIPM) feature will affect the number of hours reported. If DIPM is turned On, the recorded value for power-on hours does not include the time that the device is in a “slumber” state. If DIPM is turned Off, the recorded value for power-on hours should match the clock time, as all three device states are counted: active, idle and slumber.